30 days open purchase

126 års erfarenhet

personligt kundbemötande

30 days open purchase

126 års erfarenhet

personligt kundbemötande

Extra kärleksfulla priser på fyra bästsäljare


Say hello to our little gang

Våra två huvudkontor finns i Härnösand, Sverige och Dhaka, Bangladesh. Vi är totalt en familj om 45 anställda som trivs och har kul på jobbet. Alla anställda i vår studio har en bra lön, semester, betald sjukfrånvaro, pensionssparande och utbildning på arbetstid. Något som borde vara självklart, men som tyvärr inte är fallet i Bangladesh och på många andra ställen. Vi hoppas kunna inspirera andra företag genom att berätta om hur vi arbetar.

Our working conditions

Enjoy and feel good at work

Good wages & a voice

All our employees in Bangladesh are well paid, whether you just started or have worked with us for ten years. On average, we pay almost twice as much in wages, compared to what has been agreed between the parties in the industry. A good salary is important and a prerequisite for being able to do a good job. But even more important is the opportunity to influence one's salary. All salaries are set individually and after negotiation (in the last three years our salary costs have increased by approx. 80%, so maybe we should stick to bags).

Savings program

We have created our own savings program for our employees, partly because there is no system for pension savings and partly because we think it is important to think long-term. Each employee saves a monthly sum, which we match with 25% the first year, 50% the second year, 75% the third year and finally 100% the fourth year. This means that you as an employee receive an interest on invested capital of 150%. Beat it Skandia!

100% overtime compensation

Sometimes we need to work evenings and weekends to be able to deliver all orders on time. Then we pay double salary. It's actually a law in Bangladesh, although no one follows it, except us then, sort of.


We educate our employees (who need it) in reading and writing. Our site manager Flora Moshina is a teacher and very much appreciated on the "floor". We think it is our responsibility to train and teach, not just skilled craftsmen but fellow human beings. Regardless of whether they choose to stay with us or someone else, there will always be value from the training.